Laser > Equipment > Led Screens > LED Screen 2mm HDR

Alquiler pantalla de led Eventos

LED Screen 2mm HDR

Alquiler pantalla de led Eventos

Being an audiovisual rental company we have the best material such as our 2mm led screen, thanks to its modularity and low weight, it is able to adapt to the most creative designs, offering great image quality, even at very short distances and It allows configurations superior to high definition.

This LED screen guarantees perfect vision in any condition, even in sunlight. It is important to note that for the rental of material in the audiovisual sector the state of this matters a lot and thanks to its corner protection system allows the screen to suffer much less damage than any other in the market, which ensures its perfect condition.

It also includes a multiple angulation system which allows it to adapt to the most creative forms maintaining a perfect structure preventing black lines and imperfections.

We also have in this type of led screen for the rental of led modules of 90º angle.

This product is suitable for events and audiovisual rental thanks to its easy handling, robustness and quality.


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